TIWA Gallery is proud to present a new exhibition of works by California-based wood sculptor Vince Skelly from Sept 19 - October 19, 2024. Titled Play Sculptures, the show consists of twelve large works, including benches, modular chairs and tables and kinetic sculptures, with pieces straddling functional and decorative purposes. 

For his second show with TIWA Select, Skelly references playful (and child-friendly) forms found in mid-century playgrounds, including those designed by Jim Miller-Melberg, who is known for making concrete brutalist play structures. Miller-Melberg’s undulating concrete forms—with descriptive names such as “Turtle Tent,” “Fantastic Village,” and “Spiral Slide”—were designed as simple play apparatus void of sharp edges that enabled open and creative physical play for infants. Converting the visual approach into wood sculptures and functional objects has resulted in a body of works by Skelly that will incite playful and childish association, while fitting into Vince’s continued aesthetic as an established artist and designer. 

Sept 19—Oct 19, 2024
TIWA Gallery, 86 Walker Street, New York City NY-10013

Weds—Thurs by appointment
Friday—Saturday 12—5pm